The whole wheat tortillas at our local grocery store cost $3.85 for 8 small wheat tortillas. Yikes. Tortillas are super easy to make, so why pay $3.85 for 8 small, crumbly, dry, tortillas? I wouldn't.
Whole wheat tortilla recipe
4 cups whole wheat flour (always use freshly ground if possible)
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup butter or oil
1 cup warm water
Combine dry ingredients into a bowl. Work in butter or oil. Add enough water to make a soft, pliable dough. Roll out into circles of your chosen size. Cook in ungreased heavy skillet over med-high heat. This recipe makes 10 large tortillas.
The Breakdown
So, what did these delicious and healthy tortillas cost me?
Wheat flour- about $0.09
Salt and baking powder. Minimal cost. Maybe $0.10
Oil. This is the costly item for this dish. I use extra virgin olive oil to make it healthy, but buy it in bulk to keep costs down. Cost for 1/4 cup oil $0.20
Total cost for 10 large whole wheat tortillas? $0.39
What makes them healthy?
Each tortilla has at least 4 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. Olive oil has been shown to protect against heart disease, raises good cholesterol while lowering bad, and contains antioxidants. Eating foods rich in fiber can help you sustain a healthy weight and keeps our colons healthy.
thanks for posting these. I know you are probably busy with your family but I hope you didn't stop posting because you didn't get comments. I know it can be discouraging but I know a lot of people take info but don't comment. Anyway thank you this is a help to me as I am starting my family and trying to be frugal.